Concerts 2024
- 16. 5. Brno
20.4. - Recording of the Oktáva
20.4. - Radio Proglas
- 31. 5. Madrid (Spain)
20.4. - International organ week
20.4. - Church st. Manuel and Benedictus
- 9. 6. Moravské Knínice
20.4. - Brno organ festival, organ and oboe (Barbora Šteflová oboe)
20.4. - Catholic church
- 16. 6. Miroslav
20.4. - Brno organ festival
20.4. - Protestant church
- 20. 6. Jičín
20.4. - Organ and flute (Hana Hána flute)
20.4. - Catholic church
- 7. 7. Brno
20.4. - Brno organ festival
20.4. - Jesuit church
- 11. 7. Bezděkov Broumovsko
20.4. - Summer concerts
20.4. - Catholic church st. Prokop
- 30. 7. Vilnius (Lithuania)
20.4. - International organ festival
20.4. - Catholic church st. Kazimier
- 3. 8. Velká Lhota u Dačic
20.4. - 150th aniversary of historically preserved organ
20.4. - Protestant church
- 6. 8. Lowicz (Poland)
20.4. - J. S. Bach International organ festival
20.4. - Cathedral basilica
- 7. 8. Varšava (Poland)
20.4. - J. S. Bach International organ festival
20.4. - Protestant church
- 11. 8. Brno
20.4. - Festival ʺMarathon of musicʺ
20.4. - Jesuit church
- 4. 11. Brno
20.4. - Moravian composers club - From Janáček till today
20.4. - Basilica in Old Brno
- 7. 11. Sevilla (Spain)
20.4. - International organ festival
20.4. - Oratorio de la Santa Escuela
- 21. 11. Brno
20.4. - Moravian composers club - From Janáček till today
20.4. - Red Church
Concerts 2023
- 26. 2. Brno
20.4. - Musical evening with organ and flute (Hana Hána)
20.4. - Protestant church – Blahoslav house
- 19. 5. Brno
20.4. - Recording of the Oktáva
20.4. - Radio Proglas
- 2. 6. Brno
20.4. - The night of churches, organ and oboe (Barbora Šteflová)
20.4. - Protestant church – Blahoslav house
- 11. 6. Miroslav
20.4. - Brno organ festival
20.4. - Protestant church
- 18. 6. Zábřeh
20.4. - Organ cycle
20.4. - Catholic church st. Barbora
- 25. 6. Předklášteří
20.4. - Brno organ festival: Meditation for organ and flute (Hana Hána)
20.4. - Porta Coeli
- 7. 7. Brno
20.4. - Brno organ festival
20.4. - Jesuit church
- 9. 7. Ružomberok (Slovakia)
20.4. - Organ cycle (Hana Hána flute)
20.4. - Church st. Ondrej
- 15. 7. Kazimierz Dolny (Poland)
20.4. - Kazimierz organ festival
20.4. - Church st. Jan
- 16. 7. Pulavy (Poland)
20.4. - Organ concert
20.4. - Catholic church
- 10. 8. Bratislava (Slovakia)
20.4. - Cathedral organ festival . Vigil for flute and organ (Hana Hána)
20.4. - Catholic church st. Martin
- 13. 8. Brno
20.4. - Festival ʺMarathon of musicʺ
20.4. - Jesuit church
- 17. 9. Giewartów (Poland)
20.4. - International festival of organ and chamber music
20.4. - Catholic church
- 23. 9. Charleroi (Belgium)
20.4. - International Music festival, organ and oboe (Barbora Šteflová)
20.4. - Catholic church Notre Dame de Miséricorde
- 11. 11. Brno
20.4. - Moravian composers club: From Janáček till today
20.4. - Jesuit church
- 23. 11. Brno
20.4. - Moravian composers club: From Janáček till today
20.4. - Red church
Concerts 2022
- 6. 5. Brno
20.4. - Recording of the Oktáva
20.4. - Radio Proglas
- 22. 6. Brno
20.4. - Brno organ festival
20.4. - Jesuit church
- 9. 7. Salzwedel (Germany)
20.4. - Organ cycle
20.4. - Catholic church
- 27. 7. Jastrzebia Góra (Poland)
20.4. - International summer music festival
20.4. - Catholic church
- 28. 7. Jastarnia (Poland)
20.4. - Organ concert
20.4. - Catholic church
- 30. 7. Pasym (Poland)
20.4. - Organ and chamber music
20.4. - Protestant church
- 11. 8. Brno
20.4. - Organ summer, organ and flute (Hana Hána)
20.4. - Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul
- 14. 8. Brno
20.4. - Festival ʺMarathon of musicʺ
20.4. - Jesuit church
- 4. 9. Skalica (Slovakia)
20.4. - Internation festival of sacred and organ music, organ and flute (Hana Hána)
20.4. - Jesuit church
- 11. 11. Brno
20.4. - Moravian composers club: From Janáček till today
20.4. - Jesuit church
Concerts 2021
- 23. 6. Praha
20.4. - Organ and mezzo-soprano (Eva Garajová)
20.4. - Church „st. Michal v Jirchářích“
- 3. 7. Žihobce, Šumava
20.4. - Organ concert
20.4. - Catholic church
- 18. 7. Svatá hora u Příbrami
20.4. - Sunday organ half-hours
20.4. - Catholic church
- 23. 7. Kozsalin (Poland)
20.4. - International organ festival
20.4. - Cathedral
- 24. 7. Štětín (Poland)
20.4. - Internation organ festival
20.4. - Basilica of st. James
- 7. 8. Jaroslaw (Poland)
20.4. - Organ festival, 30-year aniversary of the festival
20.4. - Abbey in Jaroslaw
- 15. 8. Brno
20.4. - Festival ʺMarathon of musicʺ
20.4. - Jesuit church
- 18. 9. Brno
20.4. - A jubilee concert
20.4. - Besední dům
- 19. 9. Předklášteří
20.4. - Brno organ festival – For Zdeněk Pololáník
20.4. - Porta Coeli
- 26. 9. Miroslav
20.4. - Brno organ festival (Ensemble Serpens Cantat)
20.4. - Protestant church
- 29. 9. Brno
20.4. - Brno organ festival
20.4. - Jesuit church
- 16. 10. Bamberg (Germany)
20.4. - Music at St. Martin
20.4. - Catholic church
- 24. 10. Katovice (Poland)
20.4. - Filharmonic cycle, organ and soprano (Irena Troupová)
20.4. - Filharmonic orchestra concert hall
- 9. 11. Brno
20.4. - Moravian composers club: From Janáček till today
20.4. - Jesuit church
Concerts 2020
- 15. 8. Brno
20.4. - Organ wandering Festival ʺMarathon of music“
20.4. - Brno churches
- 16. 8. Brno
20.4. - Festival ʺMarathon of music“
20.4. - Jesuit church
- 13.9. Moravské Knínice
20.4. - Brno organ festival, organ and flute (Hana Hána)
20.4. - Catholic church
- 30. 9. Brno
20.4. - Brno organ festival
20.4. - Jesuit church
- 11. 10. Praha
20.4. - Gala concert for AHUV
20.4. - Bohuslav Martinů Hall
Concerts 2019
- 2. 3. Brno
20.4. - Octave – recording studio
20.4. - Radio Proglas
- 27. 4. Brno
20.4. - Celebration Music
20.4. - Capitular Hall Židenice
- 10. 6. Brno
20.4. - Colloquium „Festival´s window“
20.4. - Open garden
- 19. 6. Brno
20.4. - Brno organ festival - Labyrinth of the World
20.4. - Jesuit church
- 24. 6. Vyškov
20.4. - Brno organ festival (Duo Hana + Iva, organ + piano)
20.4. - Catholic church
- 30. 6. Bratislava (Slovakia)
20.4. - International organ festival
20.4. - Radio music hall
- 13. 7. Simuna (Estonia)
20.4. - International organ series
20.4. - Viru-Jaagupi kirik
- 31. 7. La Verna (Italy)
20.4. - International organ festival
20.4. - Santuario della Verna
- 11. 8. Brno
20.4. - Festival "Maraton of music"
20.4. - Jesuit church
- 7. 9. Zabrze (Poland)
20.4. - International organ festival
20.4. - Catholic Church St. Jan
- 7. 12. Brno
20.4. - Advent Celebration Music
20.4. - Capitular Hall Zidenice
Concerts 2018
- 21. 2. Brno
20.4. - Octave – recording studio
20.4. - Radio Proglas
- 13. 3. Brno
20.4. - Talk show
20.4. - Concert Hall Besední dům
- 3. 6. Brno
20.4. - Brno Organ Festival (Irena Troupová - soprano)
20.4. - Red Church
- 11. 6. Brno
20.4. - Colloquium „Festival´s window“
20.4. - Open garden
- 17. 6. Miroslav
20.4. - Brno organ festival (Duo Hana + Iva, organ + piano)
20.4. - Protestant church
- 18. 6. Kuřim
20.4. - Brno organ festival (Duo Hana + Iva, organ + piano)
20.4. - Catholic church
- 21. 6. Brno
20.4. - Celebration Music
20.4. - Capitular Hall Židenice
- 10. 7. Bardějov (Slovakia)
20.4. - Organ festival
20.4. - Basilica St. Egidius
- 11. 7. Humenné (Slovakia)
20.4. - Organ Cycle
20.4. - Catholic Church
- 12. 8. Brno
20.4. - Festival "Maraton of music"
20.4. - Jesuit church
- 26. 8. Brno
20.4. - Celebration Concert for Martin Streda
20.4. - Jesuit church
- 13. 9. Brno
20.4. - Celebration Music
20.4. - Capitular Hall Zidenice
- 22. 9. Telnice
20.4. - Organ concert + Veronika Hajnova - mezzosoprano
20.4. - Catholic Church
- 31. 10. Sofie (Bulgaria)
20.4. - International organ series
20.4. - Philharmonic Hall
- 1. 11. Plovdiv (Bulgaria)
20.4. - Organ recital
20.4. - Gallery Museum
- 7. 11. Brno
20.4. - Organ Concert 100th Anniversary Czechoslovakia
20.4. - Basilica Old Brno
- 18. 11. Hainburg (Austria)
20.4. - Organ concert + oboe
20.4. - Chapel
- 24. 11. Bassano del Grappa-Stroppari (Italy)
20.4. - Organ concert
20.4. - Catholic church "Parrocchiale"
- 12. 12. Rájec Jestřebí
20.4. - Advent Organ concert
20.4. - Catholic church
Concerts 2017
- 20. 4. Brno
20.4. - Octave – recording studio
20.4. - Radio Proglas
- 26. 4. Brno
20.4. - Concert with choir Primavera
20.4. - Concert Hall Besední dům
- 9. 6. Brno
20.4. - Night of the churches
20.4. - Blahoslavův dům
- 11. 6. Miroslav
20.4. - Labyrinth of the World and Paradise of the Heart
20.4. - Protestant church
- 12. 6. Brno
20.4. - Colloquium „Festival´s window“
20.4. - Open garden
- 18. 6. Nosislav
20.4. - Duo flute and organ
20.4. - Protestant church
- 26. 6. Brno
20.4. - Celebration Music
20.4. - Capitular Hall Židenice
- 28. 6. Brno
20.4. - Organ festival in Brno
20.4. - Loretto Chapel
- 9. 7. Würzburg (Germany)
20.4. - Organ Cycle
20.4. - Monastery Marianhill
- 20. 7. Slupsk (Poland)
20.4. - International organfestival
20.4. - St. Jacob´s Church
- 21. 7. Koszalin (Poland)
20.4. - International organfestival
20.4. - Cathedral
- 22. 7. Bobolice (Poland)
20.4. - International organfestival
20.4. - Catholic Church
- 13. 8. Brno
20.4. - Festival "Maraton of music"
20.4. - Jesuit church
- 9. 9. Valtice
20.4. - Organ concert of baroque composers
20.4. - Castle chapel
- 10. 9. Piekary Slaskie (Poland)
20.4. - International organfestival
20.4. - Cathedral
- 14. 9. Brno
20.4. - Celebration Music
20.4. - Capitular Hall
- 27. 9. Terezín
20.4. - Organ Festival Terezín
20.4. - Catholic Church
- 1. 10. Předklášteří - Tišnov
20.4. - Festival Zdeněk Pololáník
20.4. - Monastery Porta Coeli
- 9. 10. Chicago
20.4. - Concert of Czech Catholic Mission
20.4. - Catholic Church Brookfield
- 25. 10. Sinsinawa
20.4. - Organ concert
20.4. - Monastery Dominican Sisters
- 29. 10. Ceder Rapids
20.4. - 500th Anniversary of the Reformation
20.4. - St. Mark Lutheran church
- 3. 11. Minneapolis
20.4. - Duo for organ and oboe (Hana+Kristen)
20.4. - St. Michael Lutheran church
- 14. 11. New York
20.4. - Organ recital
20.4. - Central Synagogue
Concerts 2016
- 11. 5. Brno
20.4. - Octave – recording studio
20.4. - Radio Proglas
- 21. 5. Brno
20.4. - Night at the museums
20.4. - Red church
- 28. 5. Brno
20.4. - Festival "Maraton music"
20.4. - Jesuit church
- 1. 6. Brno
20.4. - Opening celebration concert – Organ festival in Brno
20.4. - Jesuit church
- 9. 6. Velká Bíteš
20.4. - Oboe and Organ (Kristen Cooper USA)
20.4. - Catholic church
- 10. 6. Brno
20.4. - Night of churches – organ concert
20.4. - Blahoslav-House
- 13. 6. Brno
20.4. - Colloquium „Festival´s window“
20.4. - Open garden, Údolní Str.
- 14. 6. Vyškov
20.4. - Oboe and Organ (Kristen Cooper USA)
20.4. - Church of the Virgin Maria
- 28. 6. Brno
20.4. - Celebration Music
20.4. - Capitular Hall Židenice
- 10. 7. Hrabětice u Znojma
20.4. - Music Festival Znojmo
20.4. - Catholic church
- 17. 7. Roma (Italy)
20.4. - International organfestival
20.4. - St. Paul's within the walls
- 27. 7. Lichtenfels (Germany)
20.4. - Organ evening
20.4. - Holy Family Catholic Church
- 31. 7. Arbois (France)
20.4. - International organfestival
20.4. - Kirche Saint-Just
- 6. 8. Velká Lhota
20.4. - Organ concert "Old czech music"
20.4. - Protestant church
- 16. 8. Jaroměřice
20.4. - Peter Dvorský International Music Festival
20.4. - St. Margaret’s Church
- 9. 9. Echternach (Luxembourg)
20.4. - International organfestival
20.4. - Basilika St. Willibrord
- 15. 9. Brno
20.4. - Celebration Music
20.4. - Capitular Hall
- 6. 10. Budrio - Bologna (Italy)
20.4. - Organ concerts
20.4. - Church St. Lorenzo
- 7. 10. Reggio dell' Emilia (Italy)
20.4. - International Organ concerts
20.4. - Basilica della Beata Vergine della Ghiara
- 6. 12. Kuřim
20.4. - Advent concert
20.4. - Catholic Church
Concerts 2015
- 12. 4. Třebíč
20.4. - Labyrinth of the World and Paradise of the Heart
20.4. - Basilic St. Prokop
- 25. 4. Brno
20.4. - Benefit concert „Organ for Královo Pole“
20.4. - Church of the Most Holy Trinity
- 7. 5. Brno
20.4. - Oktáva – recording studio
20.4. - Radio Proglas
- 24. 5. Brno
20.4. - Spring concert
20.4. - Concert hall of the Brno Philharmonic
- 3. 6. Brno
20.4. - Opening celebration concert – Organ festival in Brno
20.4. - Jesuit church
- 8. 6. Brno
20.4. - Colloquium „Reminiscence Festival in Brno“
20.4. - Stiassni Villa
- 13. 6. Vanovice
20.4. - „Duo Hana + Iva“ (organ + piano) - Organ festival in Brno
20.4. - Protestant church
- 21. 6. Nosislav
20.4. - Labyrinth of the World and Paradise of the Heart - Organ festival in Brno
20.4. - Protestant church
- 23. 6. Brno
20.4. - Colloquium „Presentation of new organ“
20.4. - Jesuit church
- 24. 6. Brno
20.4. - Celebration Music
20.4. - Capitularhall
- 7. 7. Brno
20.4. - Inaugural concert Prof. Alena Vaselá
20.4. - Jesuit church
- 12. 7. Pulawy - Lublin (Poland)
20.4. - Organ concert
20.4. - Church Konskowola
- 13. 7. Pulawy (Poland)
20.4. - International organfestival
20.4. - St. Albert Church
- 21. 7. Nowy Sacz (Poland)
20.4. - International organfestival
20.4. - Cathedral
- 22. 7. Zakopane (Poland)
20.4. - International organfestival
20.4. - St. Family Church
- 10. 8. Lichtenfels (Germany)
20.4. - Celebratory evening
20.4. - St. Family Church
- 13. 8. Brauweiler Abbey (Germany)
20.4. - Organ night
20.4. - Monastery Church
- 30. 8. Freiburg-St. Peter (Germany)
20.4. - International organfestival
20.4. - St. Peter Church
- 24. 9. Brno
20.4. - Celebration Music
20.4. - Capitularhall
- 1. 11. Basel (Switzerland)
20.4. - International Organ Music
20.4. - Marienchurch
- 17. 12. Brno
20.4. - Advent concert
20.4. - Church of the Most Holy Trinity
Concerts 2014
- 23. 5. Brno
20.4. - Night of churches, Duo Organ + Flute
20.4. - Blahoslav-House
- 24. 5. Brno
20.4. - Night of churches – Duo Organ + Piano
20.4. - Blahoslav-House
- 7. 6. Montpellier (France)
20.4. - Organfestival
20.4. - Cathedral
- 12. 6. Brno
20.4. - Organfestival of Brno, colloquium „Czech organmusic“
20.4. - Organhall Janacek’s Akademy
- 15. 6. Kuřim
20.4. - Ceremonial concert - American Spring
20.4. - St. Maria Magdalene Church
- 20. 6. Přerov
20.4. - American spring
20.4. - Duo Hana+Kristen Cooper-Minneapolis - oboe
20.4. - Protestant church
- 22. 6. Nosislav
20.4. - American spring
20.4. - Duo Hana+Kristen Cooper-Minneapolis - oboe
20.4. - Protestant church
- 23. 6. Brno
20.4. - International organfestival
20.4. - Red Church
- 24. 6. Brno
20.4. - Organfestival of Brno, colloquium „Organ for Brno“
20.4. - Jesuit church
- 7. 7. Brno
20.4. - Inaugural concert
20.4. - Jesuit church
- 12. 7. Slavonice
20.4. - Organ Cycle „Vivat Organ“
20.4. - Monserat church
- 15. 7. Quedlinburg (Germany)
20.4. - Organsummer of Harz
20.4. - Church St. Blasii
- 20. 7. Lichtenfels (Germany)
20.4. - Celebratory evening
20.4. - St. Family church
- 25. 7. Maria Laach (Germany)
20.4. - International organfestival
20.4. - Monastery church
- 20. 8. Pelplin (Poland)
20.4. - International organfestival
20.4. - Cathedral
- 18. 9. Brno
20.4. - Celebrationconcert
20.4. - Capitularhall
- 12. 10. Tišnov
20.4. - Festival of Zdeněk Pololáník
20.4. - Church St. Wenzel
- 11. 11. Brno
20.4. - Labyrinth of the World and Paradise of the Heart (Eben/Komenský)
20.4. - Jesuit church
- 15. 11. Jeseník
20.4. - Organevening
20.4. - Chapel
- 18. 12. Brno
20.4. - Advent concert
20.4. - Church of the Most Holy Trinity
Concerts 2013
- 24. 5. Brno
20.4. - Night of churches, Duo Organ + Piano
20.4. - Blahoslav-House
- 24. 5. Brno
20.4. - Night of churches – organ concert
20.4. - Blahoslav-House
- 31. 5. Brno
20.4. - Organfestival „The organ as you never knew it“
20.4. - Protestant church
- 6. 6. Vyškov
20.4. - Organfestival of Brno „The organ as you never knew it“
20.4. - Church of the Virgin Maria
- 7. 6. Boskovice
20.4. - American Spring „The organ as you never knew it“
20.4. - Protestant church
- 12. 6. Brno
20.4. - International organfestival „Vivat Alena Veselá“
20.4. - St. Augustine church
- 13. 6. Brno
20.4. - Alena Veselá and her students, colloquium
20.4. - Janaček akademy of music
- 23. 6. Martin (Slovak)
20.4. - Organ Cycle
20.4. - St. Martin church
- 13. 7. Lichtenfels (Germany)
20.4. - Celebratory evening
20.4. - St. Family church
- 3. 8. Petritoli (Italy)
20.4. - International organfestival
20.4. - Chiesa di S. Maria ad Martires
- 11. 8. Telnice
20.4. - Celebrationconcert „The small battle of Austerlitz“
20.4. - St. Johan Church
- 15. 8. Ljubljana (Slovenia)
20.4. - Organevening
20.4. - St. Francis church
- 6. 12. Valtice
20.4. - Advent evening
20.4. - Church of Virgin Maria Birth
- 11. 12. Brno
20.4. - Christmas concert
20.4. - Church of the Most Holy Trinity
Concerts 2012
- 8. 1. Brno
20.4. - Vespers
20.4. - Blahoslav-House
- 18. 3. Brno
20.4. - Labyrinth of the World and Paradise of the Heart (Eben/Komenský)
20.4. - Blahoslav-House
- 12. 6. Kuřim
20.4. - Organfestival „The organ as you never knew it“
20.4. - St. Maria Magdalene Church
- 17. 6. Nosislav
20.4. - Organfestival „The organ as you never knew it“
20.4. - Protestant church
- 24. 6. Miroslav
20.4. - Organfestival
20.4. - Protestant church
- 7 .7. Žihobce
20.4. - Vernissage of Karel Zeman
20.4. - Catholic Church
- 17. 7. Helsingör (Denmark)
20.4. - Organ summer - Old czech organ music
20.4. -
- 18. 7.
20.4. - Duo Organ + Piano
20.4. -
- 19. 7.
20.4. - Chamber Concert (Soprano + Organ)
20.4. -
- 20. 7.
20.4. - Duo Piano + Organ
20.4. -
- 10. 11. Brno
20.4. - Benefit concert
20.4. -
- 8. 12. Brno
20.4. - Advent concert
20.4. - Solo singing+organ
- 23. 12. Brno
20.4. - Christmas concert
20.4. -
- 27. 12. Fryšava
20.4. - Organ concert
20.4. -
Concerts 2011
- 16.1. - Brno
20.4. - Vespers + Baptism CD album
20.4. - Blahoslav-Haus
- 8.5. - Kdousov
20.4. - Celebrationconcert
20.4. - St. Linhart church
- 23.6. - Vyškov
20.4. - Organfestival
20.4. - Church of the Virgin Maria
- 8.7. - Lausanne (Schweitz)
20.4. - International Organ Festival
20.4. - Cathedrale
- 26.7. - Dijon (Frankreich)
20.4. - International Organ Festival
20.4. - Cathedrale
- 31.7. - Arbois (Frankreich)
20.4. - International Organ Festival
20.4. - Church Saint Just
- 4.9. - Blevio (Itálie)
20.4. - International Organ Festival
20.4. - Church Antica Chiesa a Lago
- 10.9. - Drnholec
20.4. - Czech Organ festival
20.4. - Church of the Most Holy Trinity
- 24.9. - Zabrze – Gliwice
20.4. - International organ festival
20.4. - Church Biskupice
- 4.10. - Kuřim
20.4. - Concert Cycle
20.4. - St. Maria Magdalene Church
Concerts 2010
- May: Sela-Sisak
20.4. - CD Recording
20.4. - Church of the Virgin Maria
- 6.6. - Lukavice u Žamberka
20.4. - International Organ Festival Letohrad
20.4. - Monastery´s church
- 17.7. - Halberstadt (Germany)
20.4. - Organmusic
20.4. - Dom
- 17.7. - Halberstadt (Germany)
20.4. - International Concert Cycle
20.4. - Dom
- Philharmonic Cycle - Poland
20.4. - 13.8. - Koszalin
20.4. - 14.8. - Drawsko
20.4. - 15.8. - Karlino
- 4. 9. - Spillville, Iowa (USA)
20.4. - The 150th Anniversary Festival of St. Wenceslaus Church
20.4. - St. Wenceslaus Church
- September: Concert tour USA
20.4. - Washington, DC
20.4. - Spillville, Iowa
20.4. - Sinsinawa, Wisconsin
20.4. - Dubuque, Iowa
20.4. - Cedar Rapids, Iowa
20.4. - Minneapolis, Minnesota
20.4. - Annapolis, Maryland
20.4. - Frostburg, Maryland
20.4. - Cumberland, Maryland
- 1.11. - Česká Třebová
20.4. - International Organ Festival Zd. Pololáník´s
20.4. - St. Jacob church
- 7.11. - Lyon (France)
20.4. - International Organ Festival
20.4. - Cathedral St. Bonaventure
- 29.11. - Torino (Italy)
20.4. - International Organ Festival
20.4. - Church St. Rita
Concerts 2009
- 8. 2. - Brno
20.4. - Benefit concert
20.4. - Church of the Virgin Maria
- 18. 3. - Praha
20.4. - Celebrationconcert
20.4. - Strahov Abbey
- 28. 4. - Vienna (Austria)
20.4. - Concert for Europe
20.4. - St. Stephen´s Cathedral
- 3. 6. - Brno
20.4. - International organfestival
20.4. - St. Augustin church
- 14.6. - St. Florian (Austria)
20.4. - Organ Cycle
20.4. - Monastery´s church
- 30.7. - Helsingör (Denmark)
20.4. - Organ Concerts – Summer 2009
20.4. - Sthen Kirke
- 31.7. - Helsingör (Denmark)
20.4. - Piano with Organ
20.4. - Sthen Kirke
- 3. 9. Lier - (Belgium)
20.4. - International organfestival
20.4. - St. Gummarus church
- 5. 9. - Hasselt (Belgium)
20.4. - International Organ Festival
20.4. - Cathedral
- 6 .9. - Antwerpy (Belgium)
20.4. - International Organ Festival
20.4. - St. Jacob church
- 6. 10. - Toulon (France)
20.4. - International weeks of organ
20.4. - St. Georg church
- 11. 9. - Würzburg (Germany)
15.6. - International Organ Festival
15.6. - Cathedral
- 17.10. - Fulda (Germany)
20.4. - Organ Cycle
20.4. - Dóm
- 22. 11. - Topolany u Vyškova
20.4. - Inauguration concert
20.4. - St. Mikolaus church
- 27. 11. - Stuttgart (Germany)
20.4. - Concert Cycle
20.4. - Stift church
Concerts 2008
- 27. 1. - Brno
20.4. - Vespers
20.4. - Blahoslav-House
- 24.5. - Brno
20.4. - Celebrationconcert - Organ and Chorus Concert
20.4. - Concert hall
- 28. 5. - Sisak (Croatia)
20.4. - International Organ Festival ARS ORGANI SISCIAE
20.4. - Church St. Maria Magdalena
- 8.6. - Vrchlabí
20.4. - Dvorakfestival
20.4. - Townchurch
20.4. - Stadtkirche
- 13.7. - Vyškov
20.4. - Celebrationconcert
20.4. - Church of the Virgin Maria
- 22.7. - Tullamore (Ireland)
20.4. - Summer organ concerts
20.4. - Cathedrale
- 24.7. - Galway (Ireland)
15.6. - Summer organ concerts
15.6. - Cathedrale
- 10.8. - Bad Homburg (Deutschland)
20.4. - Music in Chateau
20.4. - Chateauchurch
- 15.8. - Vyškov
20.4. - Inaugural concert
20.4. - Church of the Virgin Maria
- 12.9. - Vyškov
20.4. - International music festival
20.4. - Church of the Virgin Maria
- 17.9. - Cheb
20.4. - Summer organ concerts
20.4. - Cathedrale of St.Mikolaus
- 25. 9. - Vilémov - chateuau
20.4. - Organ concert
20.4. - Chateuachurch
- 5.10. - Wien (Austria)
20.4. - Organfestival
20.4. - Votivchurch
- 11. 10. - Kuks - chateuau
20.4. - International Organ Festival
20.4. - Chateuachurch
- 2.11. - Brno
20.4. - Music Vespers
20.4. - Dom
- 21.11. - Samara (Russia)
20.4. - Philharmonic Cycle
20.4. - Concert - hall
- 27. 11. - Brno
20.4. - Benefit concert
20.4. - St. Thomas church
Concerts 2007
- 30.5. - Litoměřice
20.4. - International Musicfestival, Summer organ concerts
20.4. - Cathedral of St.Stephan
- 5.6. - Jihlava
20.4. - Organ Festival
20.4. - St. Ignatius Church
- 2.7. - České Budějovice
20.4. - International Organ Festival
20.4. - Cathedral
- 19.7. - Zagreb (Croatian)
20.4. - International Organ Festival
20.4. - Cathedral
- 7.8. - Bordeaux (France)
15.6. - Organ Festival
15.6. - Cathedral
- 19.8. - Skalice (Slovakia)
15.6. - Musicdays in Skalice
15.6. - St. Francis church
- 23.8. - Linz (Austria)
15.6. - Summer organ concerts
15.6. - Cathedral of the Virgin Maria
- 25.8. - Valtice
20.4. - Organ concerts, Hencke´s baroque organ
20.4. - Church St. Maria Magdalena
- 9.9. - Gravelines (France)
15.6. - International Organ Festival
15.6. - St.Wilibord Church
- 21.9. - Ratiborz (Poland)
- 22.9. - Zabrze (Poland)
- 19.10. - Vienna (Austria)
15.6. - Organ concerts
- 21.10. - Vienna (Austria)
15.6. - Organ Cycle
15.6. - Schubertkirche Lichtental
Concerts 2006
- 30.3. - Alpe d´ Huez (France)
20.4. - Organ Cycle 2006
20.4. - Church of the Virgin Maria
- 31.3. - Nancy (France)
15.6. - Czech Music from the baroque until today
15.6. - Hall of the Conservatory
- 16.4. - Brno
26.7. - Easter concerts
26.7. - Red Church
- 14.5. - Rajhrad
27.7. - Benefit concert
27.7. - Benedictine Monastery
- 12.9. - Rybnik (Poland)
12.8. - Philharmonic Cycle
12.8. - Cathedral
- 6.11. - Trutnov
11.9. - Labyrinth of the World and Paradise of the Heart
11.9. - Church of the Virgin Maria Birth
Concerts 2005
- 20.4. - Topolcany (Slovakia)
20.4. - Topolcany Music Spring 2005
20.4. - Kostel sv. Ladislava a Gorazda
- 15.6. - Brno
15.6. - Brno Organ Festival 2005
15.6. - St. Augustyn`s Church
- 26.7. - Bardejov (Slovakia)
26.7. - XII International Organ Festival 2005, Organ days of Joseph Gresak
26.7. - St. Egedia`s Basilica
- 27.7. - Humenne (Slovakia)
27.7. - Humenne Organ Days of Srefan Thoman
27.7. - Roman Catholic Church of All Saints
- 12.8. - Freiburg (Germany)
12.8. - Summer Organ Concerts 2005
12.8. - St. Johan`s Church
- 11.9. - Graz (Austria)
11.9. - Organ concerts – Summer 2005
11.9. - Domkirche
- 2.10. - Brno
2.10. - October Music Vespers
2.10. - Red Church
- 10.10. - Pilsner
10.10. - Cycle of Organ Concerts
10.10. - St. Bartholomew`s Cathedral
- 31.10. - Opava
31.10. - Concathedral of Saint Spirits
- 10.12. - Trutnov
10.12. - Advent Concerts
10.12. - Church of Virgin Maria Birth
Concerts 2004
- 13.2. - Brno
13.2. - Sacred Music of the Romanticism
13.2. - Church of the Virgin Maria/li>
- 21.2. - Brno
15.6. - Small Flowers of the Romanticism
15.6. - St. Augustin church
- 18.3. - Brno
26.7. - Czech Bible during the Centuries
26.7. - St. Peter and Paul Cathedral
- 25.4. - Praha
27.7. - Easter concerts
27.7. - St. Jacob Basilica
- 16.5. - Altenberg (Germany)
12.8. - Sacred Music – Evangelic Vespers
12.8. - Dom
- 22.7. - Helsingör (Denmark)
11.9. - Organ Concerts – Summer 2004
11.9. - Organ with Piano
- 23.7. - Helsingör
2.10. - Piano with Organ
2.10. - Sthen Kirke
- 5.9. - Brno
10.10. - Cycle of the Organ Concerts
10.10. - Blahoslav-House
- 3.10. - Brno
31.10. - October Vespers
31.10. - Red Church
- 10.10. - Warsaw
10.12. - Cycle of the Organ Concerts
10.12. - Military church
- 19.10. - Praha
10.12. - Celebration of the anniversary of the Generality
10.12. - Military Church of the St. Johann from Nepomuk
- 26.10. - Brno
10.12. - Organ and Chorus Concert
10.12. - St. Thomas church
- 19.12. - Myjava (Slovakia)
10.12. - Cycle of the Pre-Christmas Concerts
10.12. - Evangelic church